Air Retrieve – starter training, problems, analysis,solutions

A good friend of mine recently introduced his lovely very willing 16 months old labrador to the discipline of Air retrieve aka Fetch it and caught her very first catch on video. The footage is very short but packed with super helpful body displays of dog and handler, providing insight into the animals training behaviour and how she refers to previously adopted training patterns to eventually solve the challenge being introduced to. For many – including me and Bernhardt – the first steps are the hardest, different trainers have very different approaches and every positive input as tiny and as banal it might seem can make the heck of a difference. So let’s get started :

The bumper is placed correctly in very short distance of the edge so that the dog just stretching out barely having to jump could grab it but far enough for her not being able to touch it. There is plenty enough toy drive and curiosity here wanting to get it displayed through her body language. One can see her inspecting the edge of the dock, looking for ways to cross over, checking the depth of the drop and water surface almost like saying: “really, is there no bridge here?” There is one deep duck down looking like she might want to glide down the edge – that actually would be the natural self preserving choice . At no point whatsoever is there even the slightest hint of tightening her body set to jump. To understand that behaviour one should consider that most dogs shy off the two foot drop as soon as they stand on the edge. They don’t know how deep the water is, there could be debris or rocks or tree stumps right under the surface and for gliding of it it is to steep and eventually to high. Even very experienced diving dogs want necessarily ever jump from a halt – and truly they shouldn’t since it could lead to some uncoordinated landings tail down first with the risks of injuries.

The handlers body language is enticing, trying to vocally intrigue, to motivate, pointing at the obstacle. I like that his body position is firm in one spot not much moving and there is absolutely no negative frustrated anxiety or signs that any force is about to be used. He is very positively believing that this could work and that is of tremendous importance. His dog and him are here as a pack, a team trying to solve a puzzle and the flow of spiritual energy is present all the time without any physical contact – as much tempting it might feel to do the opposite.. All of this has to lead to that the dog starts to think out different battle plans – just like in hunting for food – to eventually create the solution and to succeed. On her own with some human help. Only those results will lead to positive reliable training patterns. The reward is ultimately just the problem solving by itself.

Eventually the dog stunningly takes the initiative, steps a few strides backwards, kicks off and jumps at the toy. She remembered her confirmed jump patterns from her Distance jump schooling, realized that the way to overcome the gap from dock to toy needs a little extra charge and just did that. I personally found that video amazing just for that read. There was no handler support nor any body signal to get her back at the dock, to place her or any other signal she could have read to do so. It was a superior instinct combining already known training patterns with the new seemingly unsolvable.

Based on that display one could now proceed by placing the dog on the edge, repeating all the stimulation, waiting for a brief “solving the puzzle” display to than gently finger grab the collar and lead her a few strides backwards. Turn her, release and either let her execute the charge or even run a few steps with her towards the hanging toy. In this case here i tend to believe that just replicating her demonstrated behaviour that lead to success by leading her back some being the only assistance would do the job just fine.

Of course you just never want to forget to praise, applaud and cheer for you dog, my friend did here great too. To him i say a big thank you having given me this awesome tutorial video and to his dog I say – thank you for teaching us how it’s done in your world !

TAKE it or LEAVE it – a recap of the NADD Region 6 national Championships

Lucas County Fairgrounds, Maumee Oh. It is the 2nd of October 2020, 7:15 am, outside temperature 39 F or 3.9 Celsius. Bernhardt, the competing athlete and I, the trainer,coach and agent are arriving at the NADD venue set for the ultimate seasonal highlight of a Covid 19 battled year that forced the world to restructure and rethink – the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP of NADD and the affiliated AKC.

The outdoors held event was scheduled to begin at 8 am with it’s first discipline the Hydro dash running alphabetically starting A-Z. Bernhardt and I had uniquely managed to qualify for all three finals available, nationwide he ranked first in Distance in a tie, sixth in Hydro, in Air Retrieve he had qualified over an advanced title, he had also produced a highscore at a national qualifier. The competition platform was one of the for all and any NADD finals commonly used mobile dock operated by a Michigan crew.

I had inspected the grounds the day before, just to become familiar with the set up, parking, travel patterns and grass areas for eventual relief. The dock and pool were almost ready to go the filing of it not yet complete, the hose still running off the fire hydrant. It was a sunny bright day with temperatures hovering around mid 50’s or 12.8 C. We had schooled in colder water the weeks ahead and used a custom tailored neoprene wetsuit for practice. Needless to say for me, the human, these Nationals meant a great deal, they only happen once a year, a spot on the podium could become an achievement of a lifetime and there are only so many repetitions to do it. Bernhardt was a serious on paper favorite to hit a good score with a proven very consistent record, we had done anything in our power to prepare for this event in the best ways possible. For us being very aware that American Staffordshire terrier breeds are permanently banned from German import a title or something close to it could even turn into an import permit for my dog – in case I ever had to return.

7:45 am – more cars are pulling in. Most people that walk around – including the dock’s crew – are wearing solid winter clothes, some even gloves. Some dogs are wearing their winter jackets or little buckle up blankets being lead around the swimming pool that has no transparent thermostat in it, the water is not showing any kind of steam and things simply begin to just not feel right. Shortly before our brief practice I stick my hand into the water and it feels borderline warm enough to me – later I realized that my hands were freezing cold and that this sensation was a clear misconception. We practiced in the neoprene suit just of the ramp and Bernhardt swam without hesitation, coming back out he shook the water off and we went back to the heated car awaiting our start to compete.

8:15 am outside temperature 43 f or 6.12 C. We get on the dock, the Hydro bumper is all set, the rig worker splashing the water calling Bernhardt’s name, I set him on the mark, give my launching enticing command, release – and he stood still. Looking at me, barking, no move towards the edge, no jump. I quickly open the gate to the ramp throw the additional toy right at the hanging bumper, he launches of the ramp and retrieves of the hanger. Second attempt – ready…….set……go ……NO go. Side door open and he again retrieves the toy. He in the past on a single incident had not been able to see the toy due to reflections and the sunset that morning caused just those and so I thought that we had just gotten very unlucky and moved on without any further thought towards his next Championship attempt – the Distance jump.

Approximately 9:30 am temperature 48 f or 8.88 C We re-enter the dock after a good 10 minute very playful warm up with lots of stretches, little warm up jumps and mental stimulation. Taking the favorite toy for our practice jump, tossing it at the 16 ft mark place the dog 14 ft of the edge release and ………he runs, jumps with full power and energy lands very close to the toy goes under water for a very brief moment, comes up and returns to the ramp – leaving his toy behind. In the heat of the moment I just retrieve the toy handed by the rig crew take Bernhardt to the edge of the ramp toss his toy now to the 22 ft mark run with him back to the end of the ramp release and he takes off towards the edge – the next thing i hear is a loud human “Ough” and simultaneously a solid sliding noise and see my dog sideways slipping to the edge and than just standing there. By now it just all made sense. He tried his heart out but it was simply to much for him being very short haired without an undercoat – he just could not do it. I leashed him up quietly saying to us “okay, that is it ” and pulled him off the event for good. The outside and water conditions combined made the competition a mission impossible for my dog.

I in fact had just TAKEN it – that glamourous shining bait of a National Championship event by invitation only that we had to qualify for, were so deeply invested in, had worked so hard for and were favorite for at least a top ten placing in just one out of three opportunities. We paid a huge prize for it – in just 60 minutes there seemingly was nothing left but a fully defeated discouraged animal and a handler close to tears.

In hindsight there where indeed a lot of options here. First of course NADD’s non enthusiastic plain recommendation to just “TAKE it or LEAVE it”. Secondly to simply not try at all and never find out dealing with doubt and guilt for months to come – the latter is of course by now in place. There was however a third option available, one that could have produced stellar events with choices for the competitors and equal Championship opportunities for ALL breeds and ALL dogs alike: The main organizer had to severely change their business model and to really go all out restructuring their once a year Highlight event in Orlando that had very little probability to be held, and sacrifice part of their main annual revenue stream in favor of their very loyal clientele and to support the exhibiting animals.

The main reason why all finals have to run of the mobile docks is plain and simple : they are outright owned by NADD, run by staffers and all revenue goes directly to the owners. During regular season most likely the operating cost (wages, transport, insurance, exhibitor fees and so on) at an entry prize of 28 $ a jump do not create the desired profit, especially when the entry numbers run low. A Championship entry however goes for 50 $ a jump, full fields are almost guaranteed and by finding Covid 19 battled desperate for business show venues almost at no cost (the indoor rental option can be excused towards necessary Covid regulations) a substantial profit will be made and that material fact severely impacts all and any decisions – the National Championships do now turn into a serious human conflict of interest. The whole planning and scheduling primarily circulates around the mobile dock operation. No other condition truly matters.

Here are possible scenarios that could have lead to much better Championship settings :

a) Spread the event over stationary docks in warmer regions of the country that easily can offer outdoor conditions that simply do not jeopardize the water temperature period. Those docks are already contracted and have to not only pay their share of any NADD entry at any event, they have also waived the right to host any other event and truly deserve the extra business for their loyalty. They also could cancel an event and reschedule just a few days later offering prime conditions if necessary – something that the mobile dock can not offer due to its operating challenges and associated cost. States like Florida or Georgia have also shown to be very light at their Covid restrictions

b) Place the entire available east coast mobile dock fleet in warmer areas of the nation. That might be a harder plan to execute based on the flexibility of the operators and the cost – which comes back to that these docks under stress just do not have a lot of flexibility nor mobility in emergency situations. When it comes to standard Championships however all and any competitors must come To Orlando Fl. Take it or leave it.

c) equip the mobile docks with water heaters or just make filling with warm water mandatory. The higher income justifies the expense.

d) To revoke the handlers privilege to volunteer to travel to warmer states is in full contradiction to insisting on coming to a warmer state when things are under normal conditions. A handler must have the right to travel.

e) Be brave and set conditions under which an event has to be cancelled and rescheduled or not even be held – period. In other animal shows with larger numbers of competitors and spectators (the Kentucky Derby or Jumping/Eventing shows) it is never ever the decision or choice of the exhibitor to enter the event under considerably hazardous conditions. It is the mandatory obligation of the host/organizer to not temper with the wellbeing of animals by playing with people’s heads. It is up to them to call the event off – which has happened a lot of times in the horse industry since the welfare of the animal is of utter priority and not every exhibitor is educated or at times ethical enough to follow that guideline.

The integrity and public displays of animal competitions are fragile and undergo public scrutiny very quickly once the train of poor exposures starts rolling. It is not only the one “bad” exhibitor, not the one single incident of exhaustion, injuries, hypothermia, not the one look of a distressed, in shock, defeated or limping animal that puts a dent to something awesome and respectable. It is more the ongoing representation, the marketing, the core intent of an organization how a sport will be looked at by its society and the prosperity of the activity as a whole.

After all yes, I do feel very badly about this particular outing and the outcome, facing quite some distrust displayed in my dog that really loves the water and to play with it. For having turned the activity that contributes greatly to his physical and mental well being into some form of scary horror trip. And so the best I feel i can do is work with all of this, try to explain and educate myself. Play much more with Bernhardt and make him love his water again and see him having real fun. That is what is on my heart and honestly after hearing “TAKE it or LEAVE it” and “There are a lot of folks that got banned for speaking up” do I really care to jump or just to lay out incentives to make it better, help others to consider, to make different decisions or to insist on fairness and transparency. To me the choice is obvious.

Please – don’t forget the dogs !

2020 Finalist in Three Disciplines – getting far with little usage

FOUR TIMES FINALIST (nationals & worlds) – or MAXIMIZING POTENTIAL on LOWEST USAGE. Our 2020 diving season is now concluded and we managed to qualify for four finals in THREE DIFFERENT disciplines. Me, being the AGENT of an ATHLETE selecting venues carefully and getting all done with the smallest possible exposure to risk of injuries or sacrificing the fun of performing – after all dock diving is a high impact sport recreating the maximum dynamics of natural given survival or herding instincts and the related trained patterns over and over again. One thing i learned early on is the fact that every animal only has ever so many jumps, runs, extensions, only so many replications of natural given skill in its body to call upon. As better things go as more you MUST LEARN to PRESERVE. By looking at the invites chart one can see that the number of outings is rather right on target than way above requirement and that the full scale of qualifying options had been used.As more willing, talented and a worker you have as a partner as more you become the Intelligence of the Action. You have to have a PLAN for your partner.Don’t ever forget that it is YOU, that signs up for shows, YOU, that likes prizes, ribbons and the thrill of winning. Your animal truly just loves being with you and enjoys the fun that you create going to these outings simply reaffirming the natural bond (if you than have one) Still, as of today no matter where we go, Bernhardt will run and pull to the dock, hustle up the the ramp and gets excited to PLAY. And that is what showing must be – just a different place to have fun together. Winning is a logical result of great planning and strategy in favor of the animals well being. You keep that in mind and you can even find joy in a small loss – that was just another big win on the route to greatness !

Body Read – Body language and Expression

THE BODY READ – understanding BIO-MECHANISM, BODY LANGUAGE and EXPRESSION Yes he is WINKING at us in this picture because he is so happy and proud of himself – or is there more to this. Are his emotions and intellectual expressions meant to communicate? The answer should read something like -ok, either he PROTECTS his eye from being hit by the blue string or water drops or it is caused by the shake of the head during the grab or he has already a small water drop in the eye or…..pragmatic after all.

It is a very essential fundamentally important portion of training to learn THE READ. Whether you have direct body contact (horseback riding – BODY FEEL) or indirect through ongoing OBSERVATION – you must be intuitively sharp all the time. You have to learn the body of your partner and have to know the features required for success. Become aware of even the smallest resistance and tension areas, the ear play, the eye expression, back hind and front end activities, neck displays – EYE EXPRESSIONS.. tail positions and activity, licking and or tongue displays, grinding teeth, neck and head positions. proper rhythm and gait regularity, elasticity, stride length and ground cover, elevation and push, even body use, hesitance, shying, fear versus joy versus play versus defense or aggression or resistance.

An animal is not to be HUMANIZED in its behavior, intellectual processing or its ability to express itself on a ratio level that we just take for granted. It has its own way of talking. It is trainable because it can follow PATTERNS that are given by nature to be able to exist and survive. We than convert those patterns into activities at OUR LEISURE. We make decisions at times they normally would not even make – like placing them into distances towards jumps that will always force a half stride departure, an unwanted add on or a hop or even a stumble. Those than lead to reactions and performances that are for sure NOT FULL POTENTIAL and at times being so UNCOORDINATED even a DANGER of injuries.By just knowing the correct stride length, choosing the correct distance to place and take off, feeling/seeing the correct rhythm we can create security, COMFORT and NATURAL outcomes and make our decision making A GOOD and SAFE ONE.

There truly is way to much to say about this topic – way to much to do it any justice in a small write up. But as we all know a tiny intellectual seed planted can turn into a very strong tree.

Defeat or Victory – humans emotions showing animals

This is a brief type up about HUMANS DISTRESS and ANXIETIES performing in MEN MADE outings with their ANIMALS

.Most people are perfectly capable to enter a basic or even advanced training relationship with their animal. They find rewarding emotional feedback in it, lots of their techniques are rather intuitive and feel based, rational responses based on their own observations knowing what works and what does not. They keep working with their partner, experiment in playful ways, even try new things and some day they decide to enter a show, attend a clinic or consult a trainer – either to see how they rank or to receive feedback to improve or to get the missing piece of the puzzle. They – the humans – volunteer to invite a third party – another human – into their team – to judge, to measure, to set conditions, lay out rules, oversee their work. And – the animal that day, that moment, that scenario, that quest, REFUSES to COMPLY. Not that it has not worked before, you had it of course tested, prepared, properly imprinted, it had even been shown before. It just won’t do it and NOW WHAT ?

No matter how bad or sad that feels the one thing you must know is that your animal really has no clues about how embarrassed you might be so – Stay calm,assess the conditions you are under and do never let your partner know what you think. By pointing it out you will create a very NEGATIVE training condition you will turn into someone very strange, scary, uncomfortable – a pool of negative energy one either runs away from or shuts down to.Do not surrender towards changing your training that got you here that same moment. Do not try to fix it right away. You can revisit after the show is over if you must.

So if possible wrap up and walk away calmly, excuse yourself skillfully to not sour your partner. Than check – Soundness, Environment(Lighting),Training and or Teaching Style, Time of Day, Length of outing, Work amounts applied, Stress Factors (Shipping,Weather) Familiarity and think of any other that will come to you. Clear every position.Make a plan to replicate something very close to the conditions you had faced when things did not work and enter it by KNOWING IT WILL WORK. If you than had fundamentally trained correctly and your performances have some substantial references that it did work before – it will work again.

Victory in animal training means to conquer your emotions and stand up for your friend that trusts that you make good decisions.Sometimes you just didn’t and they will tell you so – all you have to do is LISTEN and eventually you can even see them WALKING on WATER.